Monthly Archive 22 October 2018

Centos Install Server

Omdat CentOS nu eenmaal één van mijn favoriete server-besturingssystemen is, gaan we uit van een installatieserver met CentOS. Dat maakt overigens voor het principe niet heel veel uit, want een installatieserver maakt gebruik van dezelfde componenten, welke distributie je ook gebruikt. De server die momenteel voor me aan het werk is, staat gelijktijdig zowel OpenSUSE als CentOS te installeren. Met een goed ingerichte server installeer je dus moeiteloos elke distributie.



Een volledig geautomatiseerde installatieomgeving heeft een aantal dingen nodig. We gaan ervan uit dat je wilt opstarten vanaf het netwerk. Om dit succesvol te laten verlopen, heb je een DHCP-server nodig die IP-adressen uitdeelt aan de te installeren machines. De volgende stap bestaat eruit dat die machines ook een boot image nodig hebben. Hiervoor wordt gebruik gemaakt van een TFTP-server. De DHCP-server zorgt ervoor dat de client doorgestuurd wordt naar de TFTP-server, zodat daar de juiste bestanden aangeleverd worden om van op te starten.

Om op te kunnen starten, heeft een Linux-client 3 bestanden nodig: een boot loader, een kernel en een initramfs. De boot loader vervangt de lokale boot loader (meestal GRUB) en geeft aan welke kernel gestart moet worden. Die kernel laadt vervolgens het initramfs. Daarbij wordt ook aangegeven waarvandaan de rest van de installatie uitgevoerd moet worden. Voor dat laatste deel is een repository nodig. Om een flexibele installatieserver aan te bieden waarop je zelf bepaalt welke packages precies aangeboden worden, is het aan te raden zelf de repositories aan te bieden (en deze niet van internet te halen). Je kan daarvoor in principe elke service gebruiken, in dit artikel laten we zien hoe je voor dit doel een webserver in kan zetten.

Als je alles tot op dit punt werkend hebt, heb je een omgeving waar de te installeren servers op kunnen booten, een boot image krijgen, en vervolgens ook toegang krijgen tot een repository om de installatie verder uit te voeren. Als het hierbij blijft, moet die installatie echter nog wel steeds handmatig uitgevoerd worden. Leuk als je één of twee servers wilt installeren, minder leuk als je er 200 wilt installeren. Om dit gedeelte ook nog te automatiseren, heb je een installatiescript nodig.

Er zijn verschillende oplossingen voorhanden: SUSE gebruikt autoyast, Red Hat gebruikt Kickstart en ook op Ubuntu kun je Kickstart gebruiken. Zowel Kickstart als Autoyast gebruiken input files waarin alle parameters gedefinieerd zijn die tijdens de installatie gebruikt moeten worden. Dit script plaats je op de installatieserver, zodat het ook eenvoudig aangeroepen kan worden. Bij het aanroepen van de installatie-kernel geef je aan welk script gebruikt moet worden en daarmee maak je de procedure compleet. In de rest van dit artikel zullen we de belangrijkste delen van de configuratie bekijken die nodig zijn om dit allemaal te realiseren.


De DHCP-server

De DHCP-server heeft op zich niet veel configuratie nodig. In listing 1 zie je een voorbeeldconfiguratie, waarin de regel next-server ervoor zorgt dat DHCP de client doorstuurt naar een TFTP-server op dit adres. De filename pxelinux.0 is de PXE-boot loader die aan de client gestuurd wordt.


Listing 1: Voorbeeld DHCP-server configuratie


subnet netmask {

option routers ;

range ;


filename “pxelinux/pxelinux.0”;



De TFTP-server

TFTP is al heel lang een onderdeel van xinetd. Om TFTP te kunnen gebruiken, zet je het aan in xinetd en zorg je dat de xinetd service gestart is. Daarbij hoort een configuratiebestand waarin je het PXE-menu zet. Deze vind je standaard in /var/lib/tftptboot/pxelinux/pxelinux.cfg en heeft de naam default. Listing 2 laat een voorbeeld PXE menu zien waaruit verschillende configuraties aangeboden kunnen worden.


Listing 2: Voorbeeld PXE boot menu


default Linux

prompt 10

timeout 10

display boot.msg

label Linux

menu label ^Install RHEL

menu default

kernel vmlinuz

append initrd=initrd.img inst.repo= ks=

label Fedora

menu label Install ^Fedora Server

kernel vmlinuz-fedora

append initrd=initrd-fedora inst.repo= ks=

label Fedoraws

menu label Install Fedora ^Workstation

kernel vmlinuz-fedoraws

append initrd=initrd-fedoraws inst.repo=

label opensuse

menu label install opensuse

kernel vmlinuz-suse

append initrd=initrd-suse install=


Als je ooit een GRUB-menu gezien hebt, zie je dat een PXE boot-menu daar niet wezenlijk van verschilt. Het komt erop neer dat je voor elke distributie een kernel neerzet in de TFTP document root, daarnaast een initramfs en tot slot aanwijst welke repository gebruikt moet worden om de rest van de installatie uit te voeren. Je hebt dan in principe voldoende om de installatie op te starten en handmatig verder uit te voeren.


De Webserver

Het aanmaken van de repositories is overigens niet heel ingewikkeld. Een handige manier is om de ISO van de betreffende distributie te downloaden en via /etc/fstab te loop-mounten op de locatie waar de installatiebestanden beschikbaar moeten zijn. Handig, want je hoeft niets te kopiëren en het is eenvoudig te regelen als een nieuwe versie van je distributie beschikbaar komt.

Als je er dan ook nog voor zorgt dat die locatie beschikbaar is onder de documentroot van je webserver, hoef je helemaal niet veel meer te doen dan de webserver aan te zetten om te regelen dat repositories automatisch beschikbaar gesteld worden.


De installatie-instructies

Het laatste element van de installatie server bestaat uit de installatie instructies. Autoyast is de oplossing die door SUSE gebruikt wordt. Daarnaast is er Kickstart. De installatie-instructies worden aangeleverd in een kort tekstbestand waarin de antwoorden staan op de vragen die tijdens de installatie gesteld worden. Kickstart doet dat in een ASCII-tekstbestand, Autoyast doet het in een XML-bestand. In listing 3 zie je een voorbeeld van hoe dat eruitziet in een Kickstart bestand.


Listing 3: Voorbeeld Kickstart bestand


[root@server html]# cat anaconda-ks.cfg


# System authorization information

auth –enableshadow –passalgo=sha512


# Use network installation

url –url=””

# Run the Setup Agent on first boot

firstboot –enable

ignoredisk –only-use=sda

# Keyboard layouts

keyboard –vckeymap=us –xlayouts=’us’

# System language

lang en_US.UTF-8


# Network information

network  –bootproto=dhcp –device=p6p1 –ipv6=auto –activate

network  –hostname=localhost.localdomain

# Root password

rootpw –iscrypted $6$GUg.iLUId16gnydz$AHsdHvpPof2KmIYQH2nlF8H.lFFf9DM/J5tC91HsvZYvKpGSeTRo0oE9B8aR1KaZ5u5YK1NwXBOUhv1ZkbZVY.

# System timezone

timezone America/New_York –isUtc

user –name=user –password=$6$yMRAMUievKP2EYT5$JmwC3j.jo9ySsuo6ogUNsI.5sQvW51SgtCLtlGDD/6/dLlz.XLj2dvTXVbfTaeDSLKPfgEDkVqxvbstjpYZt9. –iscrypted –gecos=”user”

# X Window System configuration information

xconfig  –startxonboot

# System bootloader configuration

bootloader –location=mbr –boot-drive=sda

# Partition clearing information

clearpart –drives=sda –all

# Disk partitioning information

part /boot –fstype=”xfs” –ondisk=sda –size=1000

part pv.11 –fstype=”lvmpv” –ondisk=sda –size=31008

volgroup centos –pesize=4096 pv.11

logvol /  –fstype=”xfs” –size=30000 –name=root –vgname=centos

logvol swap  –fstype=”swap” –size=1000 –name=swap –vgname=centos
























mkdir /files

logger now running post

wget -O /files/centos73.iso

wget -O /files/

wget -O /files/how-to-use-labipa.pdf




De enige uitdaging is hoe je aan zo’n bestand komt. Welnu, dat is niet moeilijk. Na installatie van een Red Hat of Fedora systeem wordt het standaard aangemaakt in de home directory van de gebruiker root en op SUSE kan je het vanuit Yast genereren met behulp van de autoyast module. Het enige dat dan nog rest, is in het PXE-boot bestand aan te geven waar de te installeren server dit bestand kan vinden en je installatieserver is klaar voor gebruik.

BIOS and UEFI explained, all you need to know about.

BIOS and UEFI are two of a kind, but completely different from each other. They serve one major purpose: booting the machine and they do it in different ways and with different options. Without them, all your hardware and the very machine you’re reading this article on, wouldn’t even start. But what are the differences? And why are they mutually exclusive?

What is BIOS?

The Basic Input Output System is the older standard and dates back to old IBM-compatible computers. For almost twenty years, the BIOS has been a de facto standard in common computer implementations. The BIOS is a special software called firmware that is stored in a special chip soldered on the motherboard called ROM (usually EEPROM these days). When you press the power button, the BIOS is the first software that is run on the machine. This software is mostly responsible for three things:

  1. Performing POST: (Power-On Self-Test) in this phase the BIOS checks if the component installed on the motherboard are functioning (mostly CPUs and RAMs).
  2. Providing Basic IO: so that essential peripherals such as the keyboard, the monitor and serial ports can operate to perform basic tasks.
  3. Booting: this step is where all the magic happens, the BIOS tries to boot from the devices connected (SSDs, HDDs, PXE, whatever) in order to provide a better-suited interface (usually an Operating System) to fully make use of the hardware components.

As you can see the BIOS is pretty much a fundamental brick of the boot process and without it you wouldn’t be able to “start” the computer. A BIOS is usually associated with the motherboard and is mostly visible during the first seconds after powering the computer. When you see a great logo from the motherboard/computer manufacturer and (usually) hear beeps, the BIOS is at work.

What the BIOS can and can’t do

BIOS perform quite a strict role and it might appear to you that they always do the same thing. In the past, BIOS were written on plain ROMs (or difficult-to-erase ROMs), without the possibility to write or to erase the ROM, the software couldn’t be programmed or upgraded. Nowadays, BIOS can be updated to support newer hardware/features and can be programmed to perform specific tasks such as:

  • Turning on/off USB portsSerial ports or IDE/SATA ports;
  • Over/Underclocking CPUs/RAMs frequencies;
  • Regulate motherboard fan controllers;

Although BIOS can perform these task well, they still operate in the 16-bit realm and as such they are limited. The most prominent limitation can be observed when using 2TB+ disks. Most BIOS can only boot from an MBR-partitioned disks, but MBR itself supports up to 2TB partitions meaning it won’t recognize the disk past that. Well there’s GPT that solves the problem of disks bigger than 2TB, but wait… most BIOS can’t boot from GPT. This means that if you have a 3TB disk you have two choices:

  • Use MBR partitioning: you will be able to boot an Operating System but the system will be presented with 2TB only.
  • Use GPT partitioning: you will not be able to boot.

The choice is obvious. But how can a disk larger than 2TB be used as a boot disk?

UEFI the BIOS successor

The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface aims to resolve what BIOS could not. UEFI itself is the second version (2.*), the former being EFI (1.*). If you bought a computer after 2010, you will probably have a UEFI instead of a BIOS. You read correctly, BIOS and UEFI do the same thing, but they are pretty different in how and what they do. A UEFI can (in addition to what a BIOS can):

  • Boot from disks larger than 2TB using GPT (assuming the operating system supports both).
  • Provide the user with a graphical user interface which is easier to use than old terminal user interfaces of BIOS.
  • Provide support for mouse devices (BIOS can rarely do this).
  • Boot securely using a chain-of-trust. (More later on secure boot).
  • Network boot (although most BIOS can do that, that’s not a given).
  • Provide a modular interface which is independent from the CPU architecture.
  • Provide a modular interface for applications and devices based on EFI drivers (commonly called EBCsEFI Byte-Code).

Do I have a BIOS or a UEFI?

Unless you read your motherboard’s manual, there is no precise way to tell if you’re using a BIOS or a UEFI. But there are a few signs:

  • UEFIs usually have pretty, coloured interfaces.
  • In UEFI you can usually use your mouse.
  • If you bought the computer/motherboard after 2010, chances are you have a UEFI system.

UEFI and boot modes

With the inception of UEFI a new boot mode was born, leaving us with two modes:

  • UEFI mode: the newer boot mode, requires a separate partition (called EFI partition) where bootloaders are stored.
  • BIOS mode: the old way used by the BIOS, the bootloader would be stored on the disks (usually at the beginning of the disk).

This created a lot of confusion, especially among tech enthusiasts. Before UEFI the only way to install an operating system was the BIOS mode, but with UEFI, the UEFI mode was the new standard and the selected default. This, however, messed with Operating Systems: Operating System installed in BIOS mode can’t be booted using UEFI mode and vice versa. This means that if you have installed an operating system in BIOS mode you can’t boot in UEFI mode without modifying the installation or reinstalling the whole system, the same applies with a UEFI installation and a BIOS boot. That’s why many UEFI now support the so-called Legacy Mode.

UEFI and Legacy Mode

Put it simply, the Legacy Mode is UEFI operating as if it was a BIOS. You will lose most of the benefits the UEFI such as the Secure Boot or the Fast Boot, but will retain the graphical user interface. The only difference is that the UEFI will be able to boot from MBR disks (hence without the required EFI partition) and will be able to boot non-UEFI installations. Most motherboards support Legacy Mode nowadays.

I have a UEFI, was my operating system installed in UEFI or Legacy mode?

This can be determined using the Operating system capabilities:

  • Windows: Use the Disk Management tool to check if a “EFI System Partition” exists on the disk where Windows is. If there is one, the system was installed in UEFI mode, if not it was installed in Legacy mode.
  • Linux: check if /sys/firmware/efi exists, if it does the system is installed in UEFI mode.

UEFI and Secure Boot

One of the most discussed features is the so-called Secure Boot (sometimes called Trusted Boot), the secure boot was born to ensure a more secure boot than the past. By denying the execution of unsigned code, Secure Boot enforces protection against malwares that operate in the pre-bootenvironment. This feature, however, had a negative effect on Linux users and vendors. To be able to boot an operating system, the same (more precisely the bootloader) had to be signed by a known key, which had to be recognized by the UEFI. When the first UEFI implementations started shipping it became clear that most Linux vendors weren’t prepared for this inception. Only a few vendors (namely Canonical, SUSE and Red Hat) could sign their operating system to work with Secure Boot. For a short time before UEFI, a fear that hardware vendors tied to Microsoft would enforce Secure Boot without the possibility to turn it off started spreading. Nowadays most UEFIs (albeit not every one) allow turning off Secure Boot. This enables a less-secure boot but allows unsigned operating systems to be booted.

Fast Boot? Quick Boot? Ultra Fast Boot?

All these names are vendor-specific ways to say “boot Windows faster“. These technologies use cache and hibernation files in order to produce a faster boot. This is usually so fast that the user won’t even see the POST screen or be able to boot from USB. Fast boot is a mechanism supported by Windows only.

Tips & tricks : Iptables provides powerful capabilities to control traffic coming in and out of your system.

Modern Linux kernels come with a packet-filtering framework named Netfilter. Netfilter enables you to allow, drop, and modify traffic coming in and going out of a system. The iptables userspace command-line tool builds upon this functionality to provide a powerful firewall, which you can configure by adding rules to form a firewall policy. iptables can be very daunting with its rich set of capabilities and baroque command syntax. Let’s explore some of them and develop a set of iptables tips and tricks for many situations a system administrator might encounter.

Avoid locking yourself out

Scenario: You are going to make changes to the iptables policy rules on your company’s primary server. You want to avoid locking yourself—and potentially everybody else—out. (This costs time and money and causes your phone to ring off the wall.)

Tip #1: Take a backup of your iptables configuration before you start working on it.

Back up your configuration with the command:

/sbin/iptables-save > /root/iptables-works

Tip #2: Even better, include a timestamp in the filename.

Add the timestamp with the command:

/sbin/iptables-save > /root/iptables-works-`date +%F`

You get a file with a name like:


If you do something that prevents your system from working, you can quickly restore it:

/sbin/iptables-restore < /root/iptables-works-2018-09-11
ln –s /root/iptables-works-`date +%F` /root/iptables-works-latest

Tip #4: Put specific rules at the top of the policy and generic rules at the bottom.

Avoid generic rules like this at the top of the policy rules:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP

The more criteria you specify in the rule, the less chance you will have of locking yourself out. Instead of the very generic rule above, use something like this:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 –s –d -j DROP

This rule appends (-A) to the INPUT chain a rule that will DROP any packets originating from the CIDR block on TCP (-p tcp) port 22 (–dport 22) destined for IP address (-d

There are plenty of ways you can be more specific. For example, using -i eth0 will limit the processing to a single NIC in your server. This way, the filtering actions will not apply the rule to eth1.

Tip #5: Whitelist your IP address at the top of your policy rules.

This is a very effective method of not locking yourself out. Everybody else, not so much.

iptables -I INPUT -s <your IP> -j ACCEPT

You need to put this as the first rule for it to work properly. Remember, -I inserts it as the first rule; -A appends it to the end of the list.

Tip #6: Know and understand all the rules in your current policy.

Not making a mistake in the first place is half the battle. If you understand the inner workings behind your iptables policy, it will make your life easier. Draw a flowchart if you must. Also remember: What the policy does and what it is supposed to do can be two different things.

Set up a workstation firewall policy

Scenario: You want to set up a workstation with a restrictive firewall policy.

Tip #1: Set the default policy as DROP.

# Set a default policy of DROP

Tip #2: Allow users the minimum amount of services needed to get their work done.

The iptables rules need to allow the workstation to get an IP address, netmask, and other important information via DHCP (-p udp –dport 67:68 –sport 67:68). For remote management, the rules need to allow inbound SSH (–dport 22), outbound mail (–dport 25), DNS (–dport 53), outbound ping (-p icmp), Network Time Protocol (–dport 123 –sport 123), and outbound HTTP (–dport 80) and HTTPS (–dport 443).

# Set a default policy of DROP

# Accept any related or established connections

# Allow all traffic on the loopback interface
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

# Allow outbound DHCP request
-A OUTPUT –o eth0 -p udp –dport 67:68 –sport 67:68 -j ACCEPT

# Allow inbound SSH
-A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp –dport 22 -m state –state NEW  -j ACCEPT

# Allow outbound email
-A OUTPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp –dport 25 -m state –state NEW  -j ACCEPT

# Outbound DNS lookups
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -m udp –dport 53 -j ACCEPT

# Outbound PING requests
-A OUTPUT –o eth0 -p icmp -j ACCEPT

# Outbound Network Time Protocol (NTP) requests
-A OUTPUT –o eth0 -p udp –dport 123 –sport 123 -j ACCEPT

# Outbound HTTP
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp –dport 80 -m state –state NEW -j ACCEPT
-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp –dport 443 -m state –state NEW -j ACCEPT


Restrict an IP address range

Scenario: The CEO of your company thinks the employees are spending too much time on Facebook and not getting any work done. The CEO tells the CIO to do something about the employees wasting time on Facebook. The CIO tells the CISO to do something about employees wasting time on Facebook. Eventually, you are told the employees are wasting too much time on Facebook, and you have to do something about it. You decide to block all access to Facebook. First, find out Facebook’s IP address by using the host and whois commands.

host -t a is an alias for has address
whois | grep inetnum
inetnum: –

Then convert that range to CIDR notation by using the CIDR to IPv4 Conversionpage. You get To prevent outgoing access to, enter:

iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -i eth0 –o eth1 –d -j DROP

Regulate by time

Scenario: The backlash from the company’s employees over denying access to Facebook access causes the CEO to relent a little (that and his administrative assistant’s reminding him that she keeps HIS Facebook page up-to-date). The CEO decides to allow access to only at lunchtime (12PM to 1PM). Assuming the default policy is DROP, use iptables’ time features to open up access.

iptables –A OUTPUT -p tcp -m multiport –dport http,https -i eth0 -o eth1 -m time –timestart 12:00 –timestart 12:00 –timestop 13:00 –d  -j ACCEPT

This command sets the policy to allow (-j ACCEPT) http and https (-m multiport –dport http,https) between noon (–timestart 12:00) and 13PM (–timestop 13:00) to (–d

Regulate by time—Take 2

Scenario: During planned downtime for system maintenance, you need to deny all TCP and UDP traffic between the hours of 2AM and 3AM so maintenance tasks won’t be disrupted by incoming traffic. This will take two iptables rules:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m time –timestart 02:00 –timestop 03:00 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m time –timestart 02:00 –timestop 03:00 -j DROP

With these rules, TCP and UDP traffic (-p tcp and -p udp ) are denied (-j DROP) between the hours of 2AM (–timestart 02:00) and 3AM (–timestop 03:00) on input (-A INPUT).

Limit connections with iptables

Scenario: Your internet-connected web servers are under attack by bad actors from around the world attempting to DoS (Denial of Service) them. To mitigate these attacks, you restrict the number of connections a single IP address can have to your web server:

iptables –A INPUT –p tcp –syn -m multiport -–dport http,https –m connlimit -–connlimit-above 20 –j REJECT -–reject-with-tcp-reset

Let’s look at what this rule does. If a host makes more than 20 (-–connlimit-above 20) new connections (–p tcp –syn) in a minute to the web servers (-–dport http,https), reject the new connection (–j REJECT) and tell the connecting host you are rejecting the connection (-–reject-with-tcp-reset).

Monitor iptables rules

Scenario: Since iptables operates on a “first match wins” basis as packets traverse the rules in a chain, frequently matched rules should be near the top of the policy and less frequently matched rules should be near the bottom. How do you know which rules are traversed the most or the least so they can be ordered nearer the top or the bottom?

Tip #1: See how many times each rule has been hit.

Use this command:

iptables -L -v -n –line-numbers

The command will list all the rules in the chain (-L). Since no chain was specified, all the chains will be listed with verbose output (-v) showing packet and byte counters in numeric format (-n) with line numbers at the beginning of each rule corresponding to that rule’s position in the chain.

Using the packet and bytes counts, you can order the most frequently traversed rules to the top and the least frequently traversed rules towards the bottom.

Tip #2: Remove unnecessary rules.

Which rules aren’t getting any matches at all? These would be good candidates for removal from the policy. You can find that out with this command:

iptables -nvL | grep -v "0     0"

Note: that’s not a tab between the zeros; there are five spaces between the zeros.

Tip #3: Monitor what’s going on.

You would like to monitor what’s going on with iptables in real time, like with top. Use this command to monitor the activity of iptables activity dynamically and show only the rules that are actively being traversed:

watch --interval=5 'iptables -nvL | grep -v "0     0"'

watch runs ‘iptables -nvL | grep -v “0     0″‘ every five seconds and displays the first screen of its output. This allows you to watch the packet and byte counts change over time.

Report on iptables

Scenario: Your manager thinks this iptables firewall stuff is just great, but a daily activity report would be even better. Sometimes it’s more important to write a report than to do the work.

Use the packet filter/firewall/IDS log analyzer FWLogwatch to create reports based on the iptables firewall logs. FWLogwatch supports many log formats and offers many analysis options. It generates daily and monthly summaries of the log files, allowing the security administrator to free up substantial time, maintain better control over network security, and reduce unnoticed attacks.

Here is sample output from FWLogwatch:

More than just ACCEPT and DROP

We’ve covered many facets of iptables, all the way from making sure you don’t lock yourself out when working with iptables to monitoring iptables to visualizing the activity of an iptables firewall. These will get you started down the path to realizing even more iptables tips and tricks.